Contact Us

We want to help you keep your project or production line moving with the right springs. Whether you know what you need or not, we can quickly help you find the perfect stock or custom spring for the job. 

  • Let us know how many you'd like to order
  • Things to include:
    • Spring Type (Compression, Extension, Torsion, etc.)
    • Dimensions (Wire Diameter, Outside Diameter, Length, Number of Coils, etc.)
    • Description of Ends (Closed, Ground, Hooks, Loops, etc.)
    • Material (Music Wire, Stainless, Square, etc.)
    • Finish (Plain, Zinc, Passivate, etc.)
    • Or simply attach a picture of your spring next to a ruler below
  • Upload a print, picture of the spring next to a ruler, or sketch that will help us provide an accurate quote. Allowed file types are .jpg, .png, and .pdf
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB.